Floor 2 - Yellow
Yellow as the brightest of warm color, always represents excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.
Best suitable for guests who seeks for adventure in Thailand, or simply just energetic personality!
People think about yellow, people think about sunshine and happiness, in Japan, it also represents of hope.
Floor 3 - Green
Green is such a powerful color of emotion. When people think about green, people think about peace, secure, and life. Green being the mixture of Blue and Yellow, a combination of adventure and gentleness. we hope that during our guests stay at The Ram, we wish to bring our guest the same experience, a place to rest, a place to stop and take a breathe.
Floor 4 - Orange
A mixture of yellow and red creates orange. As a product that comes from two warm color, orange also represents energy and happiness, but in the same time, it also bring a sense of motion.
just like the color of autumn, the color orange reminds guests a sense of movement, the change of season. At The Ram Hotel, we wish to remind the travelers that during the change of time and space, to always keep their heart at young, and be exciting with this forever changing world.